Luck is a Bad Strategy...

Right now, without looking, can you tell me exactly how your business gets customers, and what your 3-5 most important metrics are for growth?

If you can, great, close this page.

If you can't, you're not alone—keep reading...

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

  • You get customers here and there, but you're not exactly sure how to make it happen predictably (feels like luck)...
  • You have multiple "irons in the fire" right now, but nothing's really working great...
  • You feel guilty about not doing certain marketing tactics that "gurus" tell everyone to do, but it all feels so overwhelming...
  • You're frustrated wondering why other businesses are growing, and yours is not...

I personally know all of those things very well :)

It's a really common cycle, and you know what else is common?...

Most entrepreneurs never stabilize their marketing, and they hover in limbo their entire lives under the guise of running a "side-gig".

That's fine, but did you really start your business and sacrifice time with your family and friends just to struggle in perpetuity?

I'm assuming not.

High-Growth Companies Use Systems

I've had the privilege of working with some pretty amazing founders and CEOs over the past 10 years, helping them establish and execute growth marketing funnels that achieved some crazy results like:

• Scaling from $10k/mo --> $200k/mo without running any ads

• Adding $30k/mo in revenue with ONE optimization to an existing plan

• Growing an email list to 25k in 4 months, and having back-to-back 6-figure product launches in the same month

• Countless other stories...

Although the tactics and strategies to achieve fast growth vary in every business, the formula stays the same.

If you implement this system in your business, I guarantee you that you'll experience more clarity, better decision making, and faster growth.

Without a system like this, you risk staying small, and not growing to the potential you know you could.

The Formula for Growth

  • Build Your Strategic Growth Funnel

    Create and map out your path to customers in a way that's repeatable, predictable, and profitable.

  • Establish Your Growth Dashboard

    Regularly (& simply) track the most important goals and metrics related to your growth funnel, and review it weekly.

  • Focus and Simplify

    Score your results, optimize regularly, and split test often so you know what to continue focusing on for growth, and what is wasting your time and money.

Build Your Strategic Growth Funnel is a 2-part On-demand Workshop where Jump CEO Dustin Lien will guide you step-by-step through building a strategic growth funnel to create new revenue for your business.

You'll Finish This Training With:

1. A fully completed strategic growth funnel you can start using right away to generate new revenue

2. A customizable Growth Dashboard for tracking your most important metrics + scoring your weekly/monthly/quarterly goals

3. A weekly meeting cadence for you and your team to stay on top of your growth goals


  • Is this a live workshop, or can I take it anytime?

    No, this is not a live workshop. You'll be able to take it whenever it's convenient for you. On average, getting through the videos and executing the exercises will take less than 4 hours total.

  • Is there a certain revenue my business should be at for this training?

    Nope—it's designed to work for any business at any stage. This is something every business needs.

  • What if I don't get anything from the workshop?

    If you use this workshop and do the exercises and still feel like it wasn't worth your money or time, you'll get a "no-questions-asked" refund up to 30 days after purchasing.